writing goals

One to Watch: Colette Sartor, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award

One to Watch: Colette Sartor, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award

An excerpt of our Fall 2019 interview with Colette Sartor.

Interview Excerpt: Lori Ostlund

Interview Excerpt: Lori Ostlund

Once, as we passed Sauk Centre on a rare family outing, my father said to me, "You know that Sinclair Lewis got run out of town for his books. Maybe someday you'll write a book that gets you run out of town."

4 Steps to Your Spring Writing Reboot

4 Steps to Your Spring Writing Reboot

Sometimes we’re so focused on producing those great works of art (or the weather is so foul) that we neglect the inspiration side of things. If your muse is uncooperative, she might just need a change of scene.

Five (±New Year's) Resolutions for Writers

Five (±New Year's) Resolutions for Writers

Whether you read this in January or July, the following resolutions for writers are a combination of things I strive for personally and also encourage others to do.