Carve Magazine | HONEST FICTION

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2013 Million Writers Award Results Announced

The results of storySouth’s annual Million Writers Award have been announced, and two Carve stories have taken top prizes. Congratulations to Rachel Steiger-Meister and Adrienne Celt for taking 1st and 3rd respectively in the awards for best online fiction.

The top three stories were voted on by the public from a list of 10 finalists. Steiger-Meister’s “Chlorine Mermaid” took the top prize, and Celt’s “The Eternal Youth of Everyone Else” rounded out the top three. Both will be awarded cash prizes by storySouth.

We are elated to have our contributors’ story’s recognized by such an esteemed publication and award. Since 2007, Carve has had at least one “Notable Story” recognized each year by the panel of judges for the Million Writers Award. This is the first year Carve landed in the top ten, with two stories, and the first year our contributing author has won the top prize. Two additional stories published in Carve were recognized as Notable Stories this year: Eric Freeze’s “Lone Wolf” and Man Martin’s “Literature Appreciation.”

We thank storySouth and the panel of judges who sifted through hundreds of nominations from readers and editors to determine the Notable Stories and the top ten finalists.